Ten characteristics of synthetic peptide absorption mechanism
Peptides are between macromolecular proteins and amino acids, and larger molecular proteins are smaller and larger than amino acids, belonging to amino acid chains. It is absorbed by the body and has the following ten characteristics.
First, there is no need for digestion and direct absorption.It does not require human oral teeth grinding, does not require human gastrointestinal digestion, and does not require human acid-base substances and endopeptidase catalysis, but is directly absorbed by the human body. Because it is a peptide obtained by digestion and degradation of human acids, bases, and enzymes in vitro by artificial and machine, it does not require human digestion, but is directly absorbed.
Second, when the small peptide is absorbed by the body, it does not need to consume human energy.A small peptide composed of 2-6 amino acids, with strong activity, showing its own dynamic function, it promotes the absorption of the body with its own energy. This is of great significance for those sub-healthy people with poor digestion and absorption ability.
Third, it has the characteristics of active absorption.Because a small peptide is a small molecule and an active substance, it can be absorbed as long as it can contact the human body. If it is applied to the skin, it is absorbed in the skin; When it enters the oral mucosa, it is absorbed by the mucosa, showing the characteristics of active absorption and easy absorption.
Fourth, absorption does not compete with other nutrients.For example, small peptides and amino acids are two different absorption sites. Peptides from the body's own protein degradation are absorbed at the proximal end of the small intestine, while amino acids are absorbed at the distal end of the small intestine. There is no competition due to different absorption sites.
Fifth, small peptides have the characteristics of preferential absorption.From the point of view of the absorption of small peptides and amino acids, small peptides are absorbed by the body in advance than amino acids, and in the mixture of peptides and amino acids, small peptides are absorbed by the body preferentially, while amino acids lag.
Sixth, oral absorption is rapid, like intravenous injection.After entering the human body, small peptides are absorbed with their small molecular weight and strong activity. Small peptides enter any part of the body and are absorbed 75% faster than amino acids.
Seven is absorbed in complete form. A small peptide composed of 2-6 amino acids, itself has a protective film, after entering the human body, it will not be secondary degradation by the human digestive system, because it is likely to be absorbed in any part of the human body, plus its small molecular weight, high activity, strong penetration ability, when absorbed by the human body, it is always absorbed by the human body in the complete form of small peptides.
Eight is the small peptide into the human body, directly used by the human body.Small peptides are the only nutrients that can enter cells and fuse with human cell membranes. It can directly synthesize cells and at the same time regulate the functional activities of cells. It is the substrate of human protein metabolism and is involved in all physiological life activities of the human body. After amino acids enter the human body, they need to be synthesized into small peptides by the liver before they can be absorbed and utilized by the human body.
Nine is that small peptides are 75% higher than amino acids in human protein synthesis.Because small peptides can be directly synthesized into human proteins after entering the human body, and amino acids must be synthesized into small peptides through the liver before they can be used by the human body and then synthesized human proteins, its synthetic protein rate is much lower than small peptides. Therefore, small peptides are superior to amino acids; Beyond amino acids; It is the cutting-edge scientific and technological nutrition of the 21st century. The 20th century is the century of amino acids, and the 21st century is the century of peptides. This is why peptides have revolutionized nutrition in the 21st century.
Ten is that after entering the human body, small peptides show strong activity and diversity.As a neurotransmitter, conducting information, as a transport vehicle, transporting other nutrients, as a carrier, carrying various nutrients on their own body, transported to the body's required parts, as a hormone, regulating the physiological balance of the human body, as a growth factor, promoting human growth and development, and amino acids do not have these characteristics.
For more information about custom peptide synthesis, antigenic peptide synthesis, please visit www.omizzur.com.
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